Monday 31 August 2015

BIM Consulting Adds A Touch Of Class To Your Construction Project

As a BIM consultancy with offices in the UAE, we understand the different trends that shape the very different property markets in both parts of the world. Much of the UAE's private property development is on a tight budget, where margins are made by coming in at a competitive price for a quick sale. In comparison, the UAE market is often about being the biggest, the best, the most opulent and ambitious. Yet BIM consulting has a crucial role to play in both of these markets.
Building Information Modelling, to use its full name, is a very technical approach to planning not just the architecture of a new structure, but its use over time, and how much it will cost both to build and to operate too. Time and cost are the fourth and fifth dimensions often referred to in BIM consulting, and they are the elements that take your plans beyond being a simple 3D wireframe or 2D blueprint.
At the heart of it, BIM consulting is about making sure your plans will work - checking that you have not missed anything obvious, such as ensuring every storey of your building has uninterrupted access to the elevator shaft or staircase, or that your entrances and exits lead easily into the communal areas of the building. You can predict the quantities of materials needed to complete the project, along with the likely cost of buying these at current market prices; and you can drill down to the utilities and services, helping you to plan the positioning of plumbing pipe work, electrical cables and telephone or network wires so that they can be laid without mistakes at the appropriate stage of construction.
But BIM consulting is about more than just the basics, and when you appoint a BIM consultancy like The CAD Room, we will bring all of our expertise to your project. That means even if you are building a fairly standard apartment block or retail premises in the UAE, we can introduce some of those more opulent elements that are common in the UAE market, helping your completed property to stand out in a crowded market; of course the final decision remains with you, but the knowledge we have picked up as an international organisation is there for you if you want or need it.

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