Monday 31 August 2015

BIM Consulting Adds A Touch Of Class To Your Construction Project

As a BIM consultancy with offices in the UAE, we understand the different trends that shape the very different property markets in both parts of the world. Much of the UAE's private property development is on a tight budget, where margins are made by coming in at a competitive price for a quick sale. In comparison, the UAE market is often about being the biggest, the best, the most opulent and ambitious. Yet BIM consulting has a crucial role to play in both of these markets.
Building Information Modelling, to use its full name, is a very technical approach to planning not just the architecture of a new structure, but its use over time, and how much it will cost both to build and to operate too. Time and cost are the fourth and fifth dimensions often referred to in BIM consulting, and they are the elements that take your plans beyond being a simple 3D wireframe or 2D blueprint.
At the heart of it, BIM consulting is about making sure your plans will work - checking that you have not missed anything obvious, such as ensuring every storey of your building has uninterrupted access to the elevator shaft or staircase, or that your entrances and exits lead easily into the communal areas of the building. You can predict the quantities of materials needed to complete the project, along with the likely cost of buying these at current market prices; and you can drill down to the utilities and services, helping you to plan the positioning of plumbing pipe work, electrical cables and telephone or network wires so that they can be laid without mistakes at the appropriate stage of construction.
But BIM consulting is about more than just the basics, and when you appoint a BIM consultancy like The CAD Room, we will bring all of our expertise to your project. That means even if you are building a fairly standard apartment block or retail premises in the UAE, we can introduce some of those more opulent elements that are common in the UAE market, helping your completed property to stand out in a crowded market; of course the final decision remains with you, but the knowledge we have picked up as an international organisation is there for you if you want or need it.

Friday 28 August 2015

CAD Drawings certify Quality Of Delivery

In a demanding market, any architecture company is only as good as its latest design - clients want proof that you can deliver a fine combination of a robust structure that makes the best use of the land available to build on, with an attractive outlook and well laid-out interiors that maximise the usable space, and all of the usual utilities placed where they will not interfere with one another and can be accessed when maintenance work is needed. CAD drawings give you a head start on all of these things, even before the first shovel breaks ground.
Whereas once upon a time, buildings may have been designed by an architect or mason with decades of experience, or a degree in engineering just to understand where the load-bearing structures must be placed, much of that expertise is now a luxury rather than an essential; CAD drawings can show the load on any one part of the building, with the software itself capable of working out how best to reduce any stress points by adjusting the position of beams and braces elsewhere.
This is visible in the most ambitious construction projects taking place worldwide - our offices in the United Arab Emirates are working on probably the biggest and most eye-catching new buildings on the planet, many of which would be literally impossible to create without the help of detailed CAD Services and 21st century methods of both the design stage and the physical building phase. Even in the UK, new developments break ground on a daily basis, easing the demand for affordable housing, raising new places to work from the ground up, and serving communities with shops, restaurants, hospitals and so on.
In architecture, it's best to make your mistakes on the drawing board, and CAD drawings are the digital equivalent of pen and paper architectural plans. 3D computer aided design places you in a virtual world that resembles the real world down to the finest detail, where you can raise your structure from its footings to its roof without spending a penny on materials or building labour; in this way, the investment made in the design phase is money well spent, and every pound spent will repay you several times over in terms of money saved later into the delivery of the project.

Monday 24 August 2015

BIM Companies Give Knowledge In To the Development Process

Building Information Modeling is one of the essential difficulties and purposes of present day construction modeling - not simply the need to know how a finished structure will function; additionally the methods by which that question can be replied. While a two-dimensional outline may give the arrangements from which the physical building itself can be raised, BIM organizations can set this into a certifiable setting, permitting the creator to see how the premises will work after some time, the expenses they will bring about, et cetera.

Along these lines, BIM organizations accomplish more than simply give a knowledge into the development process itself, yet can demonstrate the usable lifecycle of the building once it is possessed or occupied, whether that is by private proprietors or occupants, or by business and modern clients, or even by individuals from general society going through a station, air terminal, clinic or some other open building. These last sorts of property are seemingly those in most noteworthy need of exact displaying, because of the extensive quantities of individuals who may go through their entryways, regularly interestingly and with next to zero recognition with the format of the inside, or of the BIM Services and civilities accessible inside.

For evidence of how the size of a structure affects the requirement for watchful arranging, you require just take a gander at the work attempted by our UAE workplaces, which frequently educate on some with respect to the most prestigious and eager undertakings at present occurring anyplace on the planet. As one of the district's driving BIM organizations we have cleaned our procurement of administrations in the territory, to have the capacity to give draftsmen and neighborhood development firms the data they require about any arranged building, from the exact size of its physical foot shaped impression to the materials needed to manufacture it, and the expenses that are liable to be included.

Where BIM companies are counseled ahead of time, the potential outcomes are everything except boundless, as the virtual universe of CAD programming can be utilized to reenact the completed structure with no consumption on materials and work. Diverse configuration components can be contrasted with see which works best, whether in creative and tasteful terms, or absolutely from the designing edge of needing to develop the world's tallest building, or to augment the livable space accessible in a skyscraper tower with an insignificant physical foot shaped impression on the ground.

Monday 17 August 2015

CAD Services Have Helped Make History in UAE

It is only a few years since the desert plains of the United Arab Emirates began to sprout not plants, but cities - high-rise structures growing like glass and concrete trees out of the very sands of these once-barren lands. These are genuinely history-making projects, some of the most ambitious ever attempted, and it is fair to say that without CAD services, much of the UAE would simply not be there.

The old adage that only a fool builds his house on sand has fallen by the wayside, as the most sought-after developments on the planet are now found in these desert cities, along with some of the richest inhabitants. With desirability off the scale, it is essential that every single room and building should be of the highest standard, and the intricacy and attention to detail that comes as standard with CAD services has allowed our offices in the UAE region to play their part in some truly astounding residential and commercial developments.

Of course, building in the desert brings its own unique challenges, some of which have never before been faced in construction of any kind, let alone on the scale seen in the emirates. In some instances, there are genuinely no engineers or architects in the world with the precise experience needed to plan a particular project - which might be higher or heavier than anything that has ever preceded it. CAD drawings fill this knowledge gap, allowing the computer model to show how a completed building will look in the landscape, and to highlight any possible causes for concern about the forces exerted upon it in an environment where unusual events like sandstorms are an everyday possibility.

Building the emirates to their present state has already taken unprecedented engineering knowhow and the development of entirely new techniques; going ever higher while still creating striking architecture will not be easy, but we rise to the challenge because of the sense of achievement that comes with pushing the very limits and boundaries of what might be possible. CAD services help to drive these limits further and further beyond what human ingenuity alone might be able to achieve - mankind built the computers, just as we build the real-world structures, but between the two is a digital world that transcends our own capabilities and becomes something more.

Wednesday 5 August 2015

CAD Services facilitate Stockport Architects

Computer Aided Design has of course revolutionised Building Information Modelling, or BIM, and our CAD services help Stockport architects to realise their designs, incorporating all of the necessary elements expected of modern-day architecture. CAD doesn't just make the process of designing a building easier and more streamlined; it makes it more sophisticated too, unlocking new possibilities even on a small plot of land. The exterior can be more striking, as is the case with many of the projects our UAE offices work on, while inside the space can be maximised thanks to careful planning of amenities like ventilation ducts, staircases and, where appropriate, lifts and entrances.

Thanks to computing technology, 'drawing' a building has gone well beyond simple blueprints for the builders to follow; our 3D CAD services help Stockport architects week in, week out to 'build' their projects in a virtual world, making it possible to view them from all sides, to see how they will be situated in their surrounding environment and, where necessary, to tweak the positioning of utilities and other services for safety or convenience, or to shift entrances and exits slightly for improved access.

In this way, our 3D CAD services UK builders too - there is no need to break ground in order to see how the foundations of a building will work, or how the below-ground space, from the footings to any basement or cellar space, connects upwards to the rooms that emerge from the Earth's surface. For the portion of the premises that have a visible exterior above-ground, you can ensure their appearance is in keeping with the contemporary architecture of the city, while incorporating your signature design elements or otherwise varying the fine detail for a unique outlook.

Perhaps most importantly of all, CAD services help Stockport properties to be designed to the very best of standards - not only in aesthetic terms, but also in terms of correctly placing all of the necessary load-bearing elements and so on. Architecture is as much about engineering as it is about artistry, and nothing should be left to chance once work begins on the real-world construction of a new dwelling, office building or commercial premises. Put your trust in the most sophisticated of CAD programs, and you can have confidence in your finished designs, with the knowledge that your structure will be safe and sound, even before the first brick has been laid or the first footing dug.