Tuesday 26 May 2015

The widespread adoption of Computer Aided Design (CAD) in the UAE

Computer aided design or CAD are blueprints or drawings of buildings and structures made by computer software, designed by skilled architects and designers, CAD enables them to give life to their drawings, making them easily visualised in 3D. In order to produce CAD drawings you will need software that helps in the planning of your designs, CAD drawings are widely used in the preparation of various designs of different projects to improve the proper look of the finished project.
Technological advancement creates intelligent design
Gone are the days when designs for buildings and other constructions are done with a pencil and ruler, though there was a considerable amount of skill and talent required by the architect to produce these time consuming drawings, there was scope for costly human error. Additionally the drawings were in 2D that made them more difficult for clients and project teams to visualise. With modern CAD drawings, there is a greater degree of accuracy in the drawings and they are easily rendered in 3D that makes visualising the end product much easier.
Quick and easy design modifications
Should any changes or modifications need to be made to the design of the building or structure, with CAD drawings this can be done reasonably quickly and without having to re-draw the whole project from scratch. With an experienced CAD operative, they will be fully conversant with how the software operates and be able to quickly and efficiently make any changes and modify the design to your new requirements.
Design and construction companies using CAD in the UAE
Due to the increasing prominence of the use of CAD drawings in the UAE, most design and construction companies are embracing this new technology and taking advantage of the considerable benefits it offers. 3D CAD is how most modern buildings are designed these days, with advances in technology and working practices many companies are utilising BIM alongside CAD in order to create, design, build and run beautiful, intelligently designed buildings that are fit for the future.

Monday 18 May 2015

CAD design services for the preparation of various construction projects

The days are long gone when the design and construction of buildings involved just a quick sketch and a chat with the builder. Times have thankfully changed and building regulations have caught up with developers, meaning that there are high standards to be met by designers and builders alike. CAD design has been at the forefront of building project design across the UK for a number of years. The benefits of using CAD design services are widely acknowledged, it is also a cost effective method that is renowned for speeding up the design process, increasing the accuracy of the design and helping to bring the whole project in within the required budget.

Better designs and 3D visualisation 
CAD design services from a reputable and experienced firm like The CAD Room work to provide best services to its clients at a reasonable price and in a reduced time frame. With the help of CAD design accurate designs for construction projects can be made with an ease as the CAD software has the proper tools at hand to be able to design and create workable and intelligent designs that can easily be visualised by clients and the design teams. Modification and innovation could also be made easy with the help of CAD software. 

The industry gold standard 
For most people within the UK and global design and construction industries, CAD design services represent the gold standard of design for the industry. With increasing advances in technology, CAD software packages have been increasingly embracing BIM as the way forward. Ensuring that your project is BIM compliant in the run up to 2016, and after that is incredibly important and a vital step towards the future viability of the industry as a whole.

Expanding to new horizons
The UK has been leading the way globally on CAD design services and BIM compliance for some time now. CAD specialists from the UK have been at the forefront of positive change and innovation within the industry, meaning that globally the design and construction industry has been looking to us for inspiration. As a result forward thinking design businesses like The CAD Room have been expanding across the globe and bringing their expertise to a range of international design projects.

Monday 11 May 2015

CAD services provided in UK in large scale to improve the designs

This article talks about CAD services UK which serve to improve the quality of building and construction designs across the UK.
CAD services are widely used all over the world due to its design efficiency and cost effectiveness. If we talk about the CAD services UK then there are only a small number of specialist companies who have expertise in both CAD and BIM, which will be an essential and in demand requirement come the year 2016. Those already using both CAD and BIM based workflows understand just how they can help with the creation of intelligent design, making each project future ready, technologically sound and visually interesting.
Developing higher quality, more accurate and responsive designs
With the help of CAD software used by experienced architects, higher quality, more accurate and responsive designs can be created. With greater accuracy and intelligently designed plans linked with Business Information Modelling software (BIM), the sky is the limit. These two halves of what makes a whole are the keys to design success and ultimately the success and longevity of the building being designed. With the help of expert CAD services UK, projects will benefit from improvements in visualising the end product and improving collaboration between project partners, construction operatives, and looking long term towards the future, for facilities managers tasked with the efficient management of the building throughout its lifecycle.
Cost effective CAD services UK
One of the largest benefits of using CAD during the planning and design process is that it allows you and the tem to explore a range of design options, allowing project delivery teams to visualise and plot the viability, cost effectiveness and usability of each option. CAD services UK helps to facilitate responsive, intelligent design at in a cost effective manner. With every design option available to be modelled and viewed at a comparatively early stage within the lifespan of the project, it almost goes without saying that one of the greatest advantages is the ability to model the eventual outcome, usually in 3D with gives greater end design visibility much earlier in the whole design process.
Documenting the project more accurately, from initial design to fabrication
As the UK moved towards BIM compliance in 2016, increasingly designers and architects are incorporating BIM into their design schemes, this allows each project to be more accurately documented from initial design to fabrication and beyond. One of the benefits of CAD services UK is that in many cases works will be BIM compliant, or made so on request. The use of BIM can be enormously beneficial to your project from start to finish.

Tuesday 5 May 2015

The role of CAD drawings in preparing an appropriate design

This article is going to discuss the importance of CAD drawings in building design and construction.
Gone are the days when an architect or designer used to draw the blueprints of a building using a pencil and ruler, in today’s world an architect is more likely to complete their building design using CAD software. CAD drawings can help in the preparation of designs and be a useful tool for helping to visualise the end product. CAD drawings can be easily changed and amended should the plans change at any point, there is also the benefit of increased accuracy of the design as well as the potential to incorporate other software features such as BIM which can help in the construction and throughout the lifecycle of the building. 
Improving design accuracy and reliability
CAD software can help an architect to design the blueprints of the building more efficiently. The software gives the architect the ability to create designs with greater accuracy of the information, helping to ensure that the scope for human error and simple mistakes is all but eliminated. The software also enables the designer to keep versions of their design, so no design ideas are ever truly lost and can be looked at again and reassessed as required.
Used in various fields
CAD software is widely used in various fields such as in the preparation of designs of vehicles, machines, buildings and for the design of many other things as CAD drawings helps in improving the design of the projects by bringing some modification and innovation to its design. Drawings and designs made with CAD software can be studied with ease in comparison to other drawings, enabling the team to see 2D or 3D renderings of the blueprints.
CAD drawings – helping to speed up the design process
In comparison to painstakingly hand drawing blueprints for buildings and other construction projects, using CAD software to create CAD drawings considerably speeds up the design process. Using CAD software also helps to improve the accuracy of the drawings and additionally allows the project team to be able to visualise the end product. Any changes that need to be made can be done quickly and efficiently by the design team without having to start from scratch, this saving time and money.

BIM companies are supporting the construction industry in the move towards BIM Compliance

This article is going to discuss specialist BIM companies and the revolution they are at the heart of within the construction industry.
BIM or Building Information Modelling is now considered the gold standard that the design and construction industry must work towards. BIM is essentially a collaborative approach to design and construction, providing intelligent information which is available for, and updated throughout the life-cycle of the building, helping to ensure the longevity and cost effectiveness of the construction and management of the building. The UK government is committed to having collaborative 3D BIM Compliance on all its public sector projects by 2016.
BIM companies – providing all the information you’ll ever need
Buildings Information Management is simple; it is essentially software that contains all of the information you’ll ever need about the building, from the design, construction materials and internal and external structures and infrastructures. It should be updated and amended regularly to reflect any changes to the building. Having this information in the same place and available throughout the construction of the building and later for use by buildings and facilities managers, will mean that the building can be properly managed and any maintenance required will be easier given the information to hand. Additionally having a thorough understanding of the building will mean the life cycle of the property could be extended by a number of years, helping to ensure longevity and cost effectiveness.
Intelligent Decisions for a better future
BIM companies will enable the design and construction industries to make intelligent decisions about the way they construct buildings and the materials they use, working towards safer and more efficient working conditions, implementing innovative energy efficiencies and assist both facilities and building managers to proactively maintain and manage a building throughout its intended lifecycle. Looking to the future, industry-wide BIM compliance in 2016 will lead to greater efficiencies within the design and construction industries, passing the cost savings and long term management and maintenance benefits on to the end user and ensuring the building is efficient in terms of both cost and energy for the future.
Cost saving and long term efficiencies for effective buildings management
There are various BIM companies are available who have implemented the modelling techniques required as part of the move towards BIM compliance. It not only proves to be effective for the construction project, but also helps in minimising the cost of the long-term management and maintenance of the building. The move towards BIM compliance can only be a beneficial thing for the building and construction industries.